Hello all! Thank you all so much for auditioning, there was some amazing work presented at
auditions and you should all be so proud of yourselves. Please feel free to look at all the
sides that correspond with the characters for which you have been called back – you DO NOT have to
be memorized at callbacks.
All actors will be called at 4:00 for a warm-up, and then we will do our best to stagger out scenes so that we can release people in a timely manner. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions and congratulations!
Addison Peacock
Callback List by Character (Sides included on the show page)
Aubrey O’Bryant
Emma Jacoway
Claire Miller
Audrey Miller
Anita Duncan
Sigrid Mulder
Mae Mae Buck
Claire Miller
Bette Gibson
Abby Durkin
Kaiden Doss
Jackson Wells
Wyatt Busby
Justin Brasfield
Kaiden Doss
Jackson Wells
Wyatt Busby
Alyanna Wilder
Mae Mae Buck
Audrey Miller
Rhema Creel
Bette Gibson
Taylor Simpkins
Cessaly Kloss
Sophia DiJulio
Olivia Lepczyk
Audrey Miller
Taylor Simpkins
Sophia DiJulio
Rhema Creel
Jackson Wells
Wyatt Busby
Hudson Cooper
Knowl Garris
Jackson Wells
Hudson Cooper
Knowl Garris
Justin Brasfield
Emma Jacoway
Sophia DiJulio
Olivia Lepczyk
Abby Durkin