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AACT Announces Open Auditions for Silent Sky

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AACT Announces Open Auditions for
Silent Sky

“Imagine attempting to measure the heavens, while also taking measure of a life on Earth.”

Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson, is the true story of Henrietta Leavitt, the 19th century astronomer who wasn’t allowed to touch a telescope. While she struggled to balance her dedication to science with family obligations and the possibility of love, Henrietta and the women of the Harvard Observatory made discoveries that allow us to measure the distance between the stars, and know our place in the universe.

The cast of Silent Sky includes 4 women of various ages, and one man. One actress will require a Scottish accent. No previous experience is required.  Auditioners are encouraged to prepare a 1-minute classic (not contemporary/modern) monologue.  Please be prepared to stay and read with other auditioners.

Auditions will be held June 4 and June 5, from 6-8pm at the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center.

Call back auditions will be June 7, 6-8pm

Rehearsals are set for Mondays and Thursdays from June 11 through August 16, 6-9pm
(There will also be rehearsals scheduled either Tuesdays or Wednesdays, based on cast availability)

Performances are August 17-19 and 23- 26

Auburn Area Community Theatre intends to present Silent Sky as a competition entry at the Alabama Conference of Theatre’s play festival, (ACT-Fest’19.) on November 2 and 3, 2018 at Theatre Tuscaloosa. Three theatre professionals will offer a brief response following each performance, and will select an Alabama production to move on to the regional competition in March 2019 at the Southeastern Theatre Conference.

Play festivals are a rare opportunity for theatre amateurs to get reactions and suggestions from knowledgeable full-time theatre practitioners. This is such an enriching experience, and creates wonderful memories with your theatre family. Before auditioning, please be aware of the time commitment in November 2018, and possibly March 2019.  For more information on auditions and perusal scripts, please contact Director Lori McCormack at

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